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A problem with a patent attorney

Are you not satisfied with the services that a patent attorney or patent agency has provided? Is your problem not being taken seriously or left unresolved? If so, you can file a complaint with the Supervisory Board.

The Supervisory Board has the task of resolving disputes between a (former) client and a patent attorney or patent agency, if their own attempts to achieve a resolution have failed.

What can the Supervisory Board do for you?

The Supervisory Board decides whether your complaint is entirely or partially justified, or unfounded. In case of a (partially) justified complaint, the Supervisory Board also decides on how the patent attorney should resolve your complaint, for instance by paying compensation. The patent attorney is obliged to obey the instructions of the Supervisory Board. If a patent attorney has violated the rules of conduct for patent attorneys, the Supervisory Board can warn or reprimand the patent attorney or even suspend or expel him from the profession.

How do I file a complaint?

Complaints should always be filed in writing with the Supervisory Board, within five years after the problem has occurred. Send your complaint (please find a form here) including all relevant documents to:

Supervisory Board
Netherlands Institute of Patent Attorneys
Lange Kleiweg 6-28
2288 GK Rijswijk

You will first receive a confirmation of receipt. Within six months you will hear whether your complaint is justified and if so, how it should be resolved. Sometimes the Supervisory Board contacts you sooner to ask for more information.